Domain WHOIS Search: it is used to retrieve publicly available information about the ownership and registration details of a domain name. A Domain WHOIS search allows a researcher to look up who had registered a given domain, when it was created, where it was created, and other useful information. It literally means “who is” behind that domain.
When using an example such as, these are the WHOIS Domain Search results you will obtain:

The results obtained present:
- Domain Name: This shows the domain being queried, which is
- Registrar: This is the company that manages the domain registration for Google. In this case, it’s MarkMonitor Inc., a company specializing in corporate domain management.
- Registrant Organization: The entity that owns the domain, Google LLC.
- Registrant State/Province: The location of the registrant, California, US.
- Creation Date: The date the domain was first registered, which was on September 15, 1997.
- Expiration Date: The domain is set to expire on September 14, 2028, unless renewed before this date.
- Updated Date: The date when the domain information was last updated, which is September 9, 2020.
- Nameservers: These are the servers that control DNS (Domain Name System) for the domain. For, the nameservers are and
- Status: The domain is marked as clientDeleteProhibited and clientTransferProhibited, meaning it cannot be easily deleted or transferred without authorization. This adds a layer of security to prevent unauthorized changes.
Some of the tools you can explore to obtain these results are: